Friday, September 21, 2012

Fitness Focus

So, at the beginning of this week, I had realized that my 'fat' pants had now become my 'skinny' pants, and that nothing really fit me right anymore...

Well, the second G here is Gumption, so I decided to do something about it! No I didn't go out and buy bigger pants... I signed up for a free fitbit account. All it does is track how much you eat, verses how much you exercise. And you can select 'weight loss' options, where it sets certain goals for you to hit, based on a chosen difficulty level. Gumption required me to select 'hardest' in which the site challenges me to walk 5 miles, every day, and to eat 1000 less calories than I've burned. (Now I know that it's not all about calories, but my wife and I are already fairly healthy eaters, whole grains, fruits and veggies at every meal, organics, all natural, etc... )

I'm happy to say that so far, I've met or beat each days calorie goal, and I walk on average, 6 miles a day now (Waking up early to walk, walking on my lunch break, etc...)! My goal is to be back at navy weight by the end of the year (216lbs)

There is a hardware component to the fitbit software, but we can't quite get that yet... (but if anyone had a spare $100 Best Buy gift card lying around, we'd be happy to put it to fit use...). But seriously, for now, I'm just keeping a close eye on how long I walk, and using Google Maps to see how far I walk!

On to other types of fitness! Mental fitness...

Work bought me an A+ Certification guide to study, so that I could take my test and become a more important asset to the company. Truth be told, I've been pretty lax in studying. :/  But this weekend I'm renewing my commitment to get sorted out with this! I've also been signed up for a company paid for ITIL Certification course, that is happening near the end of October, and I want to have this book done and ready to test before I go to my first class for something else.

So here it is reader(s), I pledge to finish this book, and a handful of practice tests by October 20th, 2012.

And cooking fitness...

Tonight I tried a battered fish fry for the first time... I've fried in my Cast Iron before, but always with cornmeal, or bread crumbs, never flour and egg...

Decided to have some Cod, I cut it into pieces, covered it in whole wheat flour, and ran them through an egg wash and dropped it lovingly in some nice hot Olive Oil (for several reasons, we use Olive Oil as our sole household oil, Extra Light, and Extra Virgin stock our shelves). They turned out ok, though I did take home some lessons, I need to cook at a lower temp, and egg can be tricky... Seeing as I'm losing weight and all, instead of pairing it with your standard coleslaw or fried potatoes, we tossed up a veritable medley of vegetables, lovingly spiced, mediterranean style.

Fish and Veggies

I think it went well...

Next time, my batter, will most certainly, be better.


  1. Potentially counter to the fitness goal, I suggest a deep fryer. Last weekend, I fixed up my first batch of fried zucchini (with a very nice breading of panko and a cayenne infused flour base) for Kiddo and myself. With some homemade remoulade, it was a perfect accompaniment to shrimp and cocktail sauce. I know your feelings on the weight loss routine, as I'm homing in on being the lightest and most fit I've been since the Troubles of '08. Sounds like you're kicking the appropriate booty on that goal, so keep it up, Cuz.

  2. It also helps putting yourself in a position where you are forced to exercise (example: I have to bike to and from school everyday). It sucks, but it keeps you with it. Also, see if your job offers some sort of discount workout program. Some gyms offer businesses discount memberships.

  3. It also helps putting yourself in a position where you are forced to exercise (example: I have to bike to and from school everyday). It sucks, but it keeps you with it. Also, see if your job offers some sort of discount workout program. Some gyms offer businesses discount memberships.
