Monday, October 8, 2012

Life... (And a movie review!)

Sorry about the two week delay here in posting... it would seem that life got in the way.

This weekend was my wonderful wife's 24th birthday! We had waffles in bed, a surprise party for lunch, and a night out at the Chocolate Cafe, a fantastic little hole-in-the-wall up in Fort Collins that specializes in all sorts of food and drink themed around chocolate. Sunday we were able to spend the day with some great friends, Josh and Andrea, and went to go see the new Liam Neeson flick: Taken 2.

(This is the part of the blog where you find out that I very much enjoy going to the theaters and have an opinion on everything I see (Generally positive, and not exceptionally objective) for a much better review source, I would visit my good friend Rob Lacy over at Snark Week. No really, go read his reviews, now.)

I whole heartily recommend that you do not see this movie. it was fairly boring and predictable, with some very cliché moments. The movie went by so fast you don't realize it's actually over until the credits roll, in a very disappointing 'was that really it,' way; not the 'it was so good I lost track of time,' way. Most sequels have a tendency to fall short of the originals, but this one falls very far from it, succeeding only because of the greatness of the first, drawing poor suckers like us to spend our hard earned money on 91 minutes of sadness.

As to my previous goals set in here, I am still eating less and exercising more, Elizabeth says she can see a difference, although I still don't feel it, but I shan't lose hope, I'm going to lose this weight. The Bible study has been off to a rough start, in fact it still hasn't quite gotten started yet, but we're scheduled for this Thursday for some delicious beer, great fellowship, and most importantly, studying the Word of God. If any guys want to join, it's at my pace, 6:30 this Thursday, call or text for more info.

As for grub, I've not cooked anything terribly exciting the past week or so, and we've got a couple new slow-cooker recipes on tap for this week, as well as some salmon... I think I'm going to try and do some sort of breaded oven bake with the fish, not sure yet.

Anywho, there's the life update, I'll be back!

-Joshua Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Anderson, your review of Taken 2 is spot on!! In other news, I thought your Stew last night was excitingly delicious!! ;) <3
