Monday, September 10, 2012


Welcome to my new, and first, blog!

Right about here I should make a joke about the 2 of you that will read this, but who am I kidding, that's pushing even my luck! :)

So, this Blog, why does it exist? The name I thought really covered that guys, but in case not, here we go!

Life in Triple G - God, Gumption, and Grub:

God - First and foremost, the most important thing in my life, He brought me to my wonderful wife, and He sustains and keeps me. As God reveals things to me, as He opens His Word and His heart to me, I will document it here, so that others might be encouraged!

Gumption - Life is not meant to be endured, but experienced, lived, loved, and treated as a gift. To that end, I have gumption, I want to see the world, and I plan to. I want to visit 30 baseball parks in 30 days, and I plan to. I want to be a lead exec in my company, and I plan to. I don't just set up pie-in-the-sky ideas and forget them; NAY! I set goals, and I plan to reach them, I expect to reach them, and I expect to work for them, and I will! My pursuits and my workings can be found here as well!

Grub - We all gotta eat, why not cook it yourself, why not try new exciting foods, why not close your eyes and open the cookbook, and why not be good at it? I am no professional chef, heck, I've never had any sort of formal training, but I watched my parents cook, I watched them follow recipes to a T, and I've watched them throw together dinner out of nothing. That's my training. I like to cook, I like to cook new things every day. and I'll keep everyone here up to snuff on the newest exciting things happening in my kitchen!

So, there you have it, My Triple G.

-Joshua Anderson

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