Friday, September 21, 2012

Fitness Focus

So, at the beginning of this week, I had realized that my 'fat' pants had now become my 'skinny' pants, and that nothing really fit me right anymore...

Well, the second G here is Gumption, so I decided to do something about it! No I didn't go out and buy bigger pants... I signed up for a free fitbit account. All it does is track how much you eat, verses how much you exercise. And you can select 'weight loss' options, where it sets certain goals for you to hit, based on a chosen difficulty level. Gumption required me to select 'hardest' in which the site challenges me to walk 5 miles, every day, and to eat 1000 less calories than I've burned. (Now I know that it's not all about calories, but my wife and I are already fairly healthy eaters, whole grains, fruits and veggies at every meal, organics, all natural, etc... )

I'm happy to say that so far, I've met or beat each days calorie goal, and I walk on average, 6 miles a day now (Waking up early to walk, walking on my lunch break, etc...)! My goal is to be back at navy weight by the end of the year (216lbs)

There is a hardware component to the fitbit software, but we can't quite get that yet... (but if anyone had a spare $100 Best Buy gift card lying around, we'd be happy to put it to fit use...). But seriously, for now, I'm just keeping a close eye on how long I walk, and using Google Maps to see how far I walk!

On to other types of fitness! Mental fitness...

Work bought me an A+ Certification guide to study, so that I could take my test and become a more important asset to the company. Truth be told, I've been pretty lax in studying. :/  But this weekend I'm renewing my commitment to get sorted out with this! I've also been signed up for a company paid for ITIL Certification course, that is happening near the end of October, and I want to have this book done and ready to test before I go to my first class for something else.

So here it is reader(s), I pledge to finish this book, and a handful of practice tests by October 20th, 2012.

And cooking fitness...

Tonight I tried a battered fish fry for the first time... I've fried in my Cast Iron before, but always with cornmeal, or bread crumbs, never flour and egg...

Decided to have some Cod, I cut it into pieces, covered it in whole wheat flour, and ran them through an egg wash and dropped it lovingly in some nice hot Olive Oil (for several reasons, we use Olive Oil as our sole household oil, Extra Light, and Extra Virgin stock our shelves). They turned out ok, though I did take home some lessons, I need to cook at a lower temp, and egg can be tricky... Seeing as I'm losing weight and all, instead of pairing it with your standard coleslaw or fried potatoes, we tossed up a veritable medley of vegetables, lovingly spiced, mediterranean style.

Fish and Veggies

I think it went well...

Next time, my batter, will most certainly, be better.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spirituality: Beers, Brothers, and The Bible

Galatians 6 (Super Paraphrased) " who are spiritual...Bear one another’s burdens...let us do good to all"

Today we went to Elizabeth's old church and the sermon was on what it meant to be spiritual. What we generally think of when someone says this, is some quiet old monk, super in touch with the ethereal... But in Paul's letter to Galatia, we see something entirely different. Those who are called 'spiritual' are actually those who lift one another up, and those who do good things to others.

The part that hit home for me was 'lifting one another up, bearing each-others burdens.' In my mind, it is referencing Fellowship, and close relationships with other folks. I realized that since getting married a few months ago, I haven't really been 'plugged in,' so to speak. I've not really been keeping in touch with my brothers (in Christ) and it's causing me to to become quite lukewarm, not really doing anything bad, but not really doing anything good either. (Something John warns against heavily in Revelation, and a conversation for another blog post altogether.)

To this end, We've decided to do two things. Elizabeth and I are going to look for a small group to join (any suggestions, post them in the comments); And secondly, I want to become part of a Mens group.
Problem is, we only have one car, and I don't like leaving my wife stranded at home. So instead, we're gonna kick her out for the evening (with love) and I'm gonna start a Mens group here at the condo.

A Name and a Purpose... So I want this to not be a simple Bible reading get together, I'd like to add a bit of fun to our meetings, and we know how I like alliteration... Beers, Brothers, and The Bible. The idea is this, Each week One of us brings a six pack(or more, if there's more of us) of a beer they've not tried before, we'll discuss the beer and read the Bible. I figure I'll Bring the first beers, and we can discuss what we're studying the first night. Anyone interested, let me know!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dinner Level: Exciting

So I was sitting this morning watching Scrubs on Netflix with my wife (it's our 'thing,' we decided to pick a show we'd neither watched but had heard good things about, and watch it all the way through, we just finished season 6) and I got to thinking what we should do for dinner tonight... as we have, well, not much, in the house.

After deciding it was time to get up and be productive, I went to the kitchen and surveyed the pantry, fridge, and freezer. I came yup with... not much. We had frozen Chicken thighs, and that's about it, I then thought of the HP Sauce in the pantry, unopened, and decided to do something with that, and a handful of spices... here's what a put in the slow cooker:

1lb Skinless Boneless Chicken Thighs
3 Small Yellow Onions, roughly chopped
1c Cauliflower Florets
1 Clove Garlic, roughly chopped
1T each: Basil, Parsley, Oregano
5T HP Sauce
1can Cream of Mushroom Soup + can of water

I put all of this in a slow cooker on Low, and I'm gonna let it sit for 6-8 hours, serve it on top of Brown Rice,  alongside Mixed Veggies.

Here goes nothing!

I'll keep you updated.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Welcome to my new, and first, blog!

Right about here I should make a joke about the 2 of you that will read this, but who am I kidding, that's pushing even my luck! :)

So, this Blog, why does it exist? The name I thought really covered that guys, but in case not, here we go!

Life in Triple G - God, Gumption, and Grub:

God - First and foremost, the most important thing in my life, He brought me to my wonderful wife, and He sustains and keeps me. As God reveals things to me, as He opens His Word and His heart to me, I will document it here, so that others might be encouraged!

Gumption - Life is not meant to be endured, but experienced, lived, loved, and treated as a gift. To that end, I have gumption, I want to see the world, and I plan to. I want to visit 30 baseball parks in 30 days, and I plan to. I want to be a lead exec in my company, and I plan to. I don't just set up pie-in-the-sky ideas and forget them; NAY! I set goals, and I plan to reach them, I expect to reach them, and I expect to work for them, and I will! My pursuits and my workings can be found here as well!

Grub - We all gotta eat, why not cook it yourself, why not try new exciting foods, why not close your eyes and open the cookbook, and why not be good at it? I am no professional chef, heck, I've never had any sort of formal training, but I watched my parents cook, I watched them follow recipes to a T, and I've watched them throw together dinner out of nothing. That's my training. I like to cook, I like to cook new things every day. and I'll keep everyone here up to snuff on the newest exciting things happening in my kitchen!

So, there you have it, My Triple G.

-Joshua Anderson