Sunday, December 1, 2013

Three Weeks In

So, As you may or may not know (I would assume you would, as you probably got here through my Facebook Link), I am now the proud father of a 3 week old.

Jack David Anderson was born, November 9th, at 22:38; weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz, and 21 inches in length.

To answer your question: I cried. I smiled. and all my fears seemed to melt away. I didn't know what I was doing, but by golly, there was the cutest little boy looking back up at me, and I knew everything would be OK.  I changed my first diaper, I got peed on, I watched helplessly as poop started appearing were there had once been a diaper. I held him, I kissed him, I loved him. I couldn't help but smile whenever I looked at him.

The first two weeks of his little life were quick, and for the most part, fairly quiet. Elizabeth and I thought to ourselves, "Wow, we must have gotten the rare non-crying baby type!"


Then came week 3.

We were happily minding our own business, sleeping 2-3 hours at a time at night, and adoring our amazingly quiet baby, when it happened. Jack began to notice the world around him, and he found that the absolute best time to vocalize his concerns were when Mommy and Daddy were close at hand, right in same room, in bed, just waiting to hear his cry.

I exaggerate, but only a little. This past week has more moments than I can count where Elizabeth and I hae simply looked each other in the eyes and smiled (Mostly because we can't hear each other over the very healthy lungs of our son), but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

I am so grateful for my Employer and my Co-Workers, for allowing me to have these last three weeks off, to allow me time to bond with my Son and to support my amazing wife as we learn how to be parents, and figure which cleaner gets baby vomit off of... well, everything...

Babies grow up so fast, or so I'm told. To this end I've begun a photo journal on the ol' facebook. I've dedicated myself to taking a picture of Jack every day for the first year of his life, and chronicling them all in order.
Some Days I'm on top of it, and others, I'm frantically trying to get an image taken before the day is done, but hey, it wouldn't be me, if it were any other way.


The past three weeks have been wonderful, the time off work with my family has been a Godsend, but tomorrow I must venture back into IT, I must earn my keep, and the keep of my family.

So friends, I bid you adieu.

Until Next Time,

-Joshua Anderson